Unapologetically #Awesome in Honesty

I have to be honest. It has nothing to do with you, or how I want others to perceive me in general - it is very matter of fact in reality version: Jen Friel, that honesty makes the world a MUCH more livable existence.

That being said ... I have to be honest with all you nerdy folk. I get emails every day from fellow friends new and old, saying how strong I am, and how great all of this is that I'm doing. It is amazing to hear, and one of the only things that keeps me going; but let's face facts here el duderinos, I am scared SH*TLESS!! No really, SCARED out of my mind.

Let that sink in for a second ... k ... here we go.

I just choose to look at fear as a stumbling block. FEAR is a False Event Appearing Real. That's it. It is the story I tell myself in my head, and the emotions I attach to an otherwise simple idea. My awesome just is, and nothing will get in the way of that. By focusing only on the awesomeness which is organically placed in my DNA, I can get through anything. You can place the label of strong, or whatever on it - but it doesn't mean that fear isn't present at all. In fact, fear is ALWAYS present. I just choose to not invite it over for dinner. I kick it to the curb!!! Saying, get out you mo'fo!!!

Today, I don't feel strong, but I certainly feel awesome - and if I focus on that awesomeness the strength will certainly come out to play.

So thank you very, very much for all the emails, tweets, and Facebook messages. Sincerely appreciate it. But understand I'm not special ... just unapologetically awesome. Now you be you, I'll be me, let's go be awesome!



@KadeShow & @JenFriel sittin in a tree ...


Authors@Google Program: Liz Gilbert