This Is A Revolution! We Want That Number #1 Spot, Dammit!

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Awesome Applesauce: Charles Quevedo

A few days ago, somebody contacted me through e-mail and asked me what the agenda of "Talk Nerdy To Me Lover" was.  I laughed, then simply wrote back with the two words, "World Domination".  I could tell he wasn't a regular reader of our site.  Everybody who's been following us on a regular basis knows that our goal has always been to conquer the other sites on the Internet and get the Number #1 ranking (as the most viewed site).  But there's ONLY one problem... "Google" is standing in our way.  Yes, I said, "Google".  That's the company that everybody considers "the big boy" on the block.  Google is a corporate juggernaut that everybody is afraid to go up against.  Not us... not "Talk Nerdy To Me Lover".  We're afraid of nobody.  We want that Number #1 spot, dammit (even if it's just for half a day)!


A "revolution" is described as a fundamental change of power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.  No disrespect to "Google", but we think it's about time that somebody dethrones them.  And we're the ones to do it!  They've been sitting pretty up-on-top long enough! 

"Talk Nerdy To Me Lover" is ONLY 5 months old and we're currently ranking at an incredible 60,642 (in the United States) on the Internet (according to  Admit it, after ONLY 5 months... that's pretty freakin' impressive.  That tells us that we're doing something right!  We keep getting better and better each day!

I know, I know... you're probably thinking, "Are they freakin' crazy?!  It will be like David going up against Goliath!".  Hey, we're tougher than we look.

ALL you "Talk Nerdy..." "lovers" (readers) have one assignment this summer.  That assignment is to make us the most viewed site on the Internet by July 4th, 2010.  Yes, you heard us right. 

We want each and every one of you loyal readers to e-mail all your friends and family members and tell them that "Talk Nerdy To Me Lover" is taking over the Internet!  And then have all those you contacted do the same by e-mailing all their friends and family members. 

And we DON'T want you to stop there.  We want you to contact "the media" (CNN, MSNBC, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, your local news, etc.) and tell them the same thing... that "Talk Nerdy To Me Lover" is taking over the Internet!  Contact whoever will listen!  Call and/or text your best friends!  Talk about us with co-workers at the water-cooler!  Talk about us with strangers in chatrooms!  "Tweet" your friends about us on "Twitter".  Share our message with others on your "Facebook".  Pass out flyers to people in the mall!  Call your local radio stations!  Make "YouTube" videos!  Just get the word out!  We want the world to know who we are and that we're NOT going away! 

This is our "war cry", lovers!  Gather the troops and prepare for battle!  We aim to win this one!  We're knockin' "Google" out of the Number #1 spot... and taking over!  Okay, that's it.  Go do your jobs and bombard the world with our message!  And remember, keep "talking nerdy"!

"World Domination" is our destiny!


Follow Charles on Twitter: @FuglyCharlie


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