Live: #SocialMedia Chit Chat Saturday 4/3/10
A hoi hoi mateys,
SOOO!!! I need to get back into doing Webinars. I feel it - plus, it is going to enable me to still work while being on the Unapologetically Awesome Spring/ Summer tour. =)
Starting this Saturday at 4pm PST, I will be going live to discuss current trends in social media, apps you need to know, social sites you need to have a presence on, basically any and or everything relevant for today's nerds. I've done a bunch in the past, but this one is going to be free, as I need to see what is working, and what isn't as far as the Ustream platform for this type of thing is concerned.
Why should you go? Because I'm sure you've approached me to work for your company in the last 5 months (as this site was not even launched 5 months ago - we're barely crawling!), and I turned you down. Please, don't think I'm a party pooper, or stupid for saying no to whatever absurd amount you offered to me. I love consulting, I love my clients - however this site is my passion. It doesn't mean I want to turn a blind eye to other people, however I just can't stop this unbelievable, and nerdy train!! =)
I haven't decided if I am going to go with my own Ustream channel, or one with a company I met with on Monday - however, once all the details are announced you will all be the first to know. I'll actually be in San Fran on Saturday, so what a perfect place to have the first need to know nerdy chit chat.
It's going to be entirely interactive, and engaging. Questions can be asked during the Q & A, and the feed will be archived for your enjoyment. The stream will last for about 2 hours, give or take ... however, in the past there were SOO many questions, we almost always went over.
I look forward to hearing from you guys!! Please feel free to post any questions too on our Facebook wall. I will add that to the top of the list of topics to be discussed. Thanks guys!! Can't wait to talk nerdy!! =)