Walt Disney = #Life Killer

Okay, I have to stop all the postings that are buzzing around in my brain and get this off my chest. 

I very sincerely wish I never watched a single Disney movie as a child. Seriously, I am not trying to be some crazy feminist talking about how it "kept women down ..." wah, wah, wah ... frankly - I am so unbelievably politically incorrect, my political incorrectness could actually run for office and have a chance of winning. I digress ...

I was conditioned as a child to believe that one day my Prince would come. Being a nerdy girl in Connecticut with an imagination the size of Jupiter, it was the only logic I saw in an otherwise illogical world. The princesses in the fairy tales were all miserable, dowdy, and otherwise irrelevant until their gorgeous Prince Charming came strolling in - asking, how you doin? 

I even remember as a kid, swinging on our swing set in the backyard, watching the cars go by ... pondering which one was going to stop, have a gorgeous boy who was always my exact age step out with a flower, and rescue me from my otherwise boring life. 

I never once sat there and said I could do this. Independent women just weren't sexy. Given this was the late 80s (current age: 25 ...) but it still feels pretty relevant. Perfect example, Sex and the City. Love it - don't get me wrong ... but we sit there thinking all 4 of these women are fabulous, independent, sexy, and free. Carrie is a whiny little brat who was in an emotionally abusive relationship for nearly a decade, only to have the prick stand her up at the alter. WTF is sexy about that!?!?! I don't want that!?!!!!!! But because her prince did finally come ... all has to be well right?!


You write your own fairy tale; it is far greater than anything a dude with his head chopped off and frozen could have possibly imagined. Break the cycle of this imaginary, false expecation of life and love. All it does is set you up for some serious heartbreak, for anytime you place your value in someone else - it can never possibly be met. 

Go  ...  live life being unapologetically awesome. Realize JUST HOW AWESOME you are, and be fearless in your pursuit of maintaining that level of awesomeness. Good lord, men are bigger whiners than chicks in that regard. It ASTOUNDS me looking at how men behave when you have this mentality. Talk about a complete role reversal ... holy hell Batman!!! 

You be you, I'll be me. Let's be AWESOME!


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RT: OMG an iPhone without AT&T


OMG! iPhone without AT&T