Holy Crapsicles Batman! Re: Man Beating Dog Goes Viral
Holy crap!!! I just got this email on Facebook. I could only post it on the condition that I would keep the user's info anonymous.
The following information is more for destructive purposes... making sure the filmer realizes what he's done, making his life hell in the proces...
For a more formal tactic, all we can really do [at the moment] is to keep inviting new people to this group, in hopes of rising the issue to the eyes of media coverage. So invite, spread the word! and maybe do some mischief as follows:
hundreds have flooded every website the guy owns with spam
his facebook, hi5, and viadeo accounts. at the moment not much more can be done... still digging up info
he [Hamza Rezgui] lives in Algeria and works for Ares IT. several people have emailed his employer with detailed information and a link to the video [don't overdo this], and have done the same with his volleyball team [http://www.cavb.org/competitions/2008/MeJunioAfricanNationsChampionship/06.html]
he was born on november 19th, 1983. his alleged brother, Houssem Rezgui, resides here: '6 avenue victor HUGO06150 Cannes'. he may or may not live there also.
Wow ... I don't know what else to say, but wow ...