Question O' El Dia: Media attention ... how to get it?

One of the most popular questions I get on any given day is "how do you get the attention of the press, and drum up publicity?"


I have a very simple answer: 

If this isn't your area of expertise, look in your network - and implement someone who can help. Seriously guys, live life on an even playing field. That is what I've said from DAY ONE of this site, is that for anything to grow ... it can only be done by an entire community. Bring to the table what works best for you, and let others help where they can. It is the absolute key to success. If you have to ask someone how to drum up publicity, you need to delegate media relations to someone else. It is how my brain works. I can't explain it. By the time something is already a trend, I'm 4 steps ahead. Thanks, A.D.D.!! Yet, I know for a fact when it comes to other areas, I totally suck!! Which is why I don't sit there and admit defeat, I reach out to people and say "yooooo wanna help?! (literally ... just like that!=) and *poof* there is always someone there. 

I only know what has worked for me because I observe people, trends, and timing. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt when the time is right for something. We all do!! We just don't instinctively trust that ... I do. I have to!! How do you think you even arrived at this site?? We're just shy of 4 months old, and look how much action we're getting!! I feel like such a cheap slut ... There is no such thing as a blanket way to ensure success when it comes to viral marketing, and other media related items in cyberspace. Just doesn't happen peeps! Stop focusing on others for the answers, and start learning to trust yourself.  

Living life on an even playing field = paradigm shift. Focus on what you're good at, and where you add value, and ask others to help. You don't G-E-T if you don't A-S-K! 


As if I needed another reason to love @BenParr


Team Nerd Proof: BIO posted!! #FiestaLA