Welcome to the Ultradome
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Ponder This
The world is actually a really nice place to live in and thanks to Roland Emmerich we know a lot about it's history and future.
According to him dinosaurs, sabertooths, mammoths and humans all lived during the same age. And if mankind isn't eaten by Godzilla, enslaved by aliens or erased in the aftermath of climate change, the world will simply explode on December, 21st 2012.
But until then, there are some unsolved mysteries we have to deal with. Let's start with a very important one: "Star Wars" or "Lord of the Rings"?
Did you noticed the jedi wore Converse? So, what's next? Yoda in Nikes?
If you have more ideas for the Ultradome propose them here.