Email Marketing ... did we come back to you already?


Facebook event invites have become such a joke. Every promoter uses them, and on any given day I end up with between 50-80 event invites. I do not even open up my event invite box anymore. How effective is that? 

About a week ago, I received an email from a promoter with an attached flyer. I literally laughed out loud thinking wow, what a novel concept - email marketing. 

It got me thinking ... that was incredibly smart. All of these promoters have our email addresses via our Facebook pages (or at least those that have published email addresses), it's not difficult for someone to do this, why aren't they? 

Trust me, I'm sure I would be INCREDIBLY frustrated if all event invites came through via email again, as we became completely desensitized to it over the years. I just wanted to show people the effectiveness of ALWAYS thinking outside of the box.

No mater what you do, don't ever do it like everyone else! 


Here's some love for my friend Mikey's event in honor of some very effective marketing. Have fun, kiddies!!


Houston, we have a problem ...


Good Morning Sunshine ... <3 Aqua