Google Buzz - not very buzz worthy ...
My phone BLEW UP this morning when Google announced their presence in the social media realm. I received texts with everything from "this is a Facebook killer ..." to "this totally changes the game ..." and I'm kinda going, huh? Really Google?
Think about it like this ... when Google integrated the chat feature in their browser, did everyone yell ... "this is totally going to squash AIM." No!
It was more a matter of, well this is cool for those users I talk to on here, but not for all of my friends.
It's a niche, the exception - not the rule. I am not at all impressed with these massive conglomerations trying to take each other down vs. adding value to the already functional user experience. It just isn't working!!!! Don't try to take Facebook down Google, add value to our Facebooking experience.
People are phenomenally loyal to brands and experiences they enjoy. Do you think all of the more than 400 million active users are instantly going to say, you're right google! I'm going to use this instead. No!!
I've been using Facebook since 2007 - I'm comfortable with it. Tell me what you can add to that experience Google, and THEN potentially ween out the Facebook integration on your platform once I've become comfortable with your infrastructure.
Don't IMMEDIATELY attack something that already jives with the people ... it just doesn't work!!!
BAH!!!! #Justsayin