App to Download: iSketch

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Ponder This

This little painting application was developed by the eleven year old Cameron Cohan.

He had to spent several months in the Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center due to a tumor in his leg. Drawing sketches with an iPod Touch was his favorite thing to do during that treatment. Being dissatisfied with the capabilities of the apps he used, he decided to build his own painting app.

With the help of books, the Stanford Tutorials and some tech bloggers he managed coding the app all by himself.It was finished and proposed to Apple in November 2009. While waiting for the approval, he decided to donate parts of the earnings to the hospital he was medicated at. With that donations he wanted them to buy computers and other technical devices to provide children some activities during their stay. The app was approved in December 2009 and can be bought for 0.99$.

Today Cameron is hale and hearty and can walk again. He founded his own company and encourages people to send him pictures painted with his app. The best ones are used as screenshots in the app store with the name of the creator credited within the app.


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