Hey Twitter, here's your value!
I was telling this to @BenParr last night, and I have a feeling this could actually be pretty big ...
Twitter is all about engagement. However, when a person signs up for a Twitter account, the suggested users are celebrities that do not actively engage with all their tweeps. Kinda seems a bit counterproductive eh? No wonder why people view Twitter as just a series of status updates. They haven't experienced the engagement, and discovery of new people via #hashtags! They don't understand Twitter and by having no established value, they view it to be pointless. The end user might have an account, but are not regularly tweeting as they have no one to tweet to.
If Twitter could take a lesson from Myspace's Tom, and have on "Twi-bassadors" of sorts I really think Twitter could bridge the gap. Think about it, someone to greet you when you first sign up. They could even suggest people based upon shared interests - but again not celebrities. Engagement, Twitter. Engagement!!!!!