My first day in a #SpiritHood
#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard
I got my SpiritHood yesterday. Of course I loves it. It's awesome, and so crazy warm that it makes my brain feel melty. And it's a great bargaining tool for my kids - I just say do this and I'll let you wear my SpiritHood. My daughter calls it a Mane Wolf, whatever that means. It is going to come in super handy on photo shoots since Colorado can feel like the arctic tundra sometimes. Well not really, I'm just a bit of a winter puss.
Anywhoozle, I took my momsie out for a photo shoot this morning (to not only celebrate my badass new camera but also her hotness), and I wore the hood (cute shadow, right?). I wore it to pick up the camera, too. Then I wore it to lunch at Subway. And guess what? No one was impressed. Except me.
See, I live in this weird town. It's full of oil riggers, meth heads and conservatives. It's way Republican up in here. People just do the same thing over and over, and there is this super smalltown mentality, even though there are over 100,000 people living here. I got some really dumb looks. Which is sooooo stupid because I look friggin awesome in this bad boy. So I did what I always do when people give me weird looks (I rock a mohawk and have three kids at a young age - it happens ALL.THE.TIME). I started acting like people were sooooooo jealous of me. I looked at them like they were sad little puppies that just weren't cool enough to have a dope ass SpiritHood. Oh you sad silly people, I feel sorry for you. HAHA! Totally works.
Check 'em out - they really are super rad.
Like what I have to say? Tell me about - ego boosts = good karma! @JenSquard