#Nerd Werd with @JenSquard

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

apoplectic [a-pa-plek-tik]


1. overcome with anger; extremely indignant

2. greatly excited or angered

"I was so apoplectic after learning that Better Off Ted had been cancelled that I threw my remote at the TV."

"Don't be an apoplectic driver, try to keep your cool.  If you flip off the wrong person you could get shot in the face."


#Nerd Werd


-noun or adjective

1. a conjugation of the words retarded and newbie, meaning someone inexperienced or lacking knowledge in a particular area.  Often infers the person's intent to the learn said area.

"Don't be a roob, everyone knows how to save to a thumb drive.  It's almost 2011."

"I am a roob when it comes to using my new Mac, but I will dominate it eventually."


#Apple #Thanksgiving Miracle Status Update


#HotMama Coming Soon!