#Video: Blackberry vs. iPhone ft. @Riz

HAHAHA this just popped up in my inbox, and ohhh my gatos! I'm going all McDonalds on it shoutin "I'm lovin it!"

DOODEE!! I love bugger flicking!!!

HAHA!! Cute, very cute.

Come on though man, these ads are SOOOOOO played out!!! I love me some @Riz and all with his INSANELY catchy BBM song "Ping me baby" but for reals!?! These ads are a bit played out, spoof or no spoof.


Oh and oh oh oh ... check out Ping me baby! I dee triple double dog DARE this song to not get stuck in your head. BAHHH!!! 


#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick


@JenFriel's #Spirithood update!!