#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

Now Stop - Cause I'm about to ruin, the image and the style that you're used to.  Yeah I look funny, but yo I'm making money, see, so world you best get ready for me.  Humpty Dance = Psyched out of my mind.  Check out the navigation bar to your left <---------  .  Yep, there I am.  In all of my glory.  Jen and Jen will be lifecasting.  Right?  Right?  RIGHT?!?!?!?  So excited and so honored.  

Anywhoozle, down to business.  My queermo Asus laptop decided to stop doing basic functions, like burning discs (not so great for a photographer), so it has to be sent off.  Lame.  So I talked the amazing hubs (he really is the besterst) into letting me get a new Mac!  My first Mac evvvvaaaaaah.  Like ever ever.  So I have no danged clue what I'm doing.  Except peeing in my pantalones over how badass it is.  

So, nerdy friends, I need help!  Tips?  Suggestions?  Anything?  Can I open more than one internet window at a time, like I could with Tabs?  How?  What else?  What do I absolutely need to know that I might not (more like probably don't at all) know already?

By the way, got the Magic Trackpad = fucking genius.  Loves it.  So cool.

Thanks and thanks.  And thanks some more!  

Send me your tips on Twitter : @JenSquard

or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jenswedhinphotography  

In return I will send you a year's worth of good juju.  


@JenFriel's #Spirithood update!!


*waves* Hi my names @JenFriel and I am addicted to #GirlTalk