Fun with #OkCupid: I like #beer

Looky looky the email I just got on OKCupid ...


I don't think you can want to be an entrepreneur. You are BOORNNN an entrepreneur. It is something you eat, sleep, breathe and can't turn off! Furthermore, I actually don't consider myself an entrepreneur at all. This is just my thing. Had any other crowd been lifecasting, or any other crowd been looking for a nerdy chick to launch something for them - I would have done it. TNTML was just born out of an opportunity that I saw, and a lot of energy that I knew I had to just get the job done.

Also, it's so funny how many dudes don't even ask me out anymore on OKC. A lot of them are just really really really reallllyyyy curious in my work as a lifecaster, and want to ask me more about it. So bitchin! I love me some beer, and yes - you can buy me one!! Shameless? Who me? I'm irish ... a girls gotta drink. =)



A True (Mostly... Not Really) #Story


Holy Birthday Batman!!!!