Happy Birthday #JohnLennon!!!

Twitter, and google are poppin like it's hot with searches and tweets about John Lennon. In case you didn't know, tomorrow is el Senor Lennon-o's birfday, he would have been 70.


I've always had this weird connection to John Lennon. I was born on December 8, the day he was shot - so I guess there is that ... but furthermore, when I was 17 living in NYC, I had this CRAZY TRIPPY DREAM that to this day I remember.


Come, gather round ...


First off, it was in black and white. This nerd dreams in color, so the fact that I was walking around in black and white was the first thing I remembered.


I walked into his bedroom, and he called me over in a non-sexual way saying come here let me show you something. His comforter was white, like really really white, and he was naked underneath, but again, it was nude rather than stark naked in weird sexual undertone. He lifted the comforter up, and because its a dream, we were then magically walking, and fully clothed in Central Park. He was saying how important the park was to him, and we were just walking - side by side. He then said he had to tell me something about my life. And *poof* that is all I remember.


I wasn't watching any stuff on him before the dream, nor did I even have my super bitchin Imagine poster at that time ... it was just me, and John ... shootin the shit. Totally creepy, totally remember it like it was yesterday, 8 years later. So yeah ... there you go. W2G brain for not remembering quite possibly the most important piece of advice ever ... stupid brain ...


Either way, Happy Birthday Johnny Boy!


Hope those groupies are putting out for ya! =)



Hot Nerd of the Micro Nano: Kat Hill


#OHBoy: This can't be healthy