Fun with #OkCupid: Dear numbnuts
Looky looky the email I just got on OkCupid,
Question: How often are you open with your feelings?
Dear numbnuts,
*waves* hi, my name is Jen. You spent a lot of time dissecting my okcupid profile, totally rad ... im honestly pretty flattered. However, if you actually read the profile vs. just comparing our personalities (its okay, ive done that before too), you would have been able to see that I do in fact operate as a lifecaster. All I do is post my feelings. So even tonight, when I found myself totally crushing on this dude, I literally could not stop acting like a chick. I have been doing this for so long now, I literally have to GaGa myself to get my poker face back. Its tragic actually, and I'm hoping by posting and tagging this correctly a big pharmaceutical company will be inspired and create a drug for it, then put me in their test groups, and hopefully be fixed in less than 6 months. This is a problem that I am experiencing, and it is further compounded by the sheer annoying fact that when you chose to respond to this question via email, you were also completely incapable of pressing spell check. As you can see, I am not a perfekt spelller myself, but if I am going to insult someone - I would at least have proper grammer.
I take it this is not hanging in your bedroom ...
Life is reflective, el non-nerderino!
Click here to view my profile on OkCupid, and don't forget to send me a love note.
It's totally cool, I'll judge you in a cruel non-chick way, post it on this site, you'll then call me a bitch and go into this tirade on why I am wrong ... when all I am really doing is saving you from the therapy you will be needing after your next relationship ends when you realize the girl you are dating is really your second cousin Sally. Who smells funny. And snores. #KTHXBYE