Get with the programmer ...

I posted the link for's Sexiest Geek of 2009 on my Facebook wall yesterday, and my awesomely hot friend Damien emailed me this post courtesy of DailyCandy (dude, he won a netbook!!):

Name: Damien
Location: Venice Beach, CA
Title: Nerd-in-chief
Computers and technology are universally misrepresented in popular fiction - television, cinema, novels, you name it, it is wrong. That being said, Wargames and McGyver both had a strong influence on me as a child. Shall we play a game?

Choosing between a server and a sweetheart? It's no choice - my coworkers can handle my data center, but they can't handle my date!

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Being the Hottest Tech Guy in All the Land is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones.

Check out puppy boy's runners-up in the Get with the Programmer winner's circle.

This is definitely the year of the hot nerd. Whew, I don't know if I can stay in the kitchen with all this HEAT!! Rawr! #NerdsUnite


Hot Nerd of the Micro Nano: Kate Montgomery


iPhone , uPhone, mePhone