Want to OWLE?

Wow, special thanks to the OWLE boys for their amazing demonstration of the OWLE yesterday on USTREAM. They've also given #TalkNerdyToMeLover readers a very generous gift!! Right now, you can get $20 off an OWLE bubo! Go to www.wantowle.com and enter in the coupon code: CES2010

Talk about fantastic branding and marketing ... the second they said they were from OWLE I not only had brand but product recognition. Check this video out ... It made the rounds a little while back, and wow did it get my attention!!

OWLE is definitely on to something big.

OWLE stands for Optical Widgets for Life Enhancement. Bottom line, you no longer have to lug around that cumbersome camcorder when you are looking to capture video. You can have the same professional quality without the hassle.

Bless convenience!

I really need to get one of these for the live streaming I do. The footage would look a lot less like the Blair Witch Project.

Thanks so much OWLE - and a very special hello to CEO and Co-Founder Harold Bernard Smith IV (WOW that is a mouthful) ... keep on talking nerdy!

PS. It's funny ... they also shot one outside the Au Bon Pain in Union Square, NYC. That was the same Au Bon Pain I went to every other day when I lived in Union Square. Yumm I miss that place. Go try their grilled chicken caesar wrap. One word: orgasmic!


#CES Swag 4 U!


We're 9 weeks today!!