Where's your value?

I start off a lot of sentences with "I have this crazy little theory ... " but I just have a lot of them!!!

Here is my latest crazy little theory ..

IMHO, ego is based upon where we place our value. Seems to make sense? Right? Think about this ...

I got a call today from the president of my agency on the east coast, with a direct booking for a massively popular cable channel. Seriously, the guy called me four times on the Sunday after Christmas ... yeaahh. Kind of a big deal ...

After a solid 15 minutes of thinking, can I catch a flight? Would I be there in time? Where is my damn personal jet pack!?! It struck me ... I would not have gotten that call if I had still been back east. It is my happiness and everything that I am doing in my life, that people pick up on and are attracted to. The ULTIMATE proof in the pudding of the effectiveness of the laws of attraction.

It doesn't matter what field, or fields you are in - when you're happy and doing well with your life, the universe REALLY does take notice!!! I was not a happy camper in Florida. Given, I needed that break to take a minute to breathe from the LA scene, and really establish what I was going after in life ... I would not have gotten that call if I was still in Florida. I would GUARANTEE IT!

So why the hell am I telling you all this? Well, if I put my personal value in my modeling career - I would have been shattered at losing out on that opportunity.
So where is my value then? In Web 2.0?
Nope ... not there either. Web 2.0 is a fabulous tool to help people connect and grow, however Web 3.0 is just around the corner ...
Value in my friends and family? As much as my family and friends are my heart, they are not who I am. I am still me without all of them.
I place my value in my piece of mind. If even with my hardcore ADD, I can sit quietly in a room - sans electronics ... I am a happy little camper.

I am not my job, I am not my looks, I am not the people around me, the people I came from. I am me, in my entirety, just as I am.

Think about it!! Think of how many men and women, especially in LA, place their value in their looks. When those start to go they get an enormous amount of plastic surgery that doesn't make them look any younger, only gives them a lovely plastic shine! Think about how different their lives would be if they changed where they place their value?

If you put your value at your core, your peace of mind ... all these other noises in life seem insignificant. Life becomes a hell of a lot easier, and your happiness isn't dependent upon these outside influences that in the end are worthless.

Think about it - but don't hurt yourself.


#NowPlaying: Linkin Park


Sheer awesomeness