The not so great expectations?
The thing I loved most about Twitter when I first started using it, was the fact that it fed my hunger for two things:
1) news
2) something shiny
Not exactly surprising, I have an intense case of ADD. You're either on my radar screen, or not; it's pretty black and white. However with society as a whole being that fickle, it has served me very well in business. I only question that with more and more people migrating to micro-blogging, could more and more versions of myself, feel this intense energy to get things done ASAP IRT (as soon as possible, in real time)?
Fast is too slow, it's the go, go, attitude of the internet where the minute you've figured something out- it's already passe. Words become nothing but a series of incomprehensible letters strung together to form an expression that wasn't in existence a year ago, but is now the word of the year and subsequently placed in the dictionary.
Could this be the communication tipping point? As if email and texting didn't seem impersonal enough, could micro-blogging be the ultimate nail in the coffin to your third grade english teacher who spent all that time teaching you cursive and proper letter formatting?
Lets just hope we can keep up with the times as they are currently superseding our wildest expectations.
Hang on guys!